Note: The timings in the boxes below reflect the usual standard Mass schedule. Please refer to the latest newsletter for any updates or changes to the timings.

Today's Bible Verse

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Matthew 19:26

Upcoming Events

We need people to join our rosters and assist in the Sunday Liturgy, floral displays or church cleaning. Please see Susan in the office or email

24 HOURS FOR THE LORD - 28 March after 9am Mass to 29 March at 9am - sign up sheet on noticeboard - come along as a family or with your community group.

For those parishioners who are on the Planned Giving automatic payments, please collect your donation special collection envelopes from the foyer.

Mass Timings


10:30 a.m.


09:00 a.m.


12:05 p.m.


09:00 a.m.


09:00 a.m.


09:00 a.m.


09:00 a.m.

Vigil Mass Ashhurst 5:00 p.m.


Tuesday: 11:00 a.m.

*Sacrament of reconciliation

Tuesday: During the adoration, between 11:15 and 11:45 a.m.

Saturday: After 9:00 a.m. Mass

About Us

We are part of the Diocese of Palmerston North and part of the Manawatu-Tararua Pastoral Area.

We have two churches St Mary's and St Columba's and two schools, St Mary's School, and St Peter's College in our parish.

The churches are in Palmerston North and Ashhurst.